Monday, 31 March 2014

EXP 1: 3 Animations of Developed Model

EXP 1: Developed Sketch Up Model

The developed Sketch Up model was based upon the second draft model created. It has been further refined in terms of shape and centring of space around the datum. The Steinway & Sons workroom is located upstairs, whilst the Heston Blumenthal kitchens are located underground. The staircases are centred around the back wall of the showroom to create a theatrical focus point where products may be unveiled. 

Original Section Sketch:
Above - Monochrome, Below - Porous

Stair Sections:

Final Sketch Up Model:

Heston Blumenthal Kitchen

Building exterior with showroom and Steinway & Sons workroom above

The joint showroom showing stairways leading to the clients individual workrooms

EXP 1: Draft Sketch Up 2

The second draft model was based upon the design section below, where the Steinway & Sons large open workroom is located upstairs and the Blumenthal kitchens are located underground. 

Original Design Section:

Above - Monochrome, Below - Porous

Sketch Up Images:

EXP 1: Draft Sketch Up 1

The first Sketch Up model created was based upon the section below. The Heston Blumenthal kitchen is located above and the Steinway & Sons workroom is located below. 

Original Section Sketch:

Above - Contrast, Below - Vibrate

Draft Sketch Up Model Images:

EXP 1: 18 Sketch Sections

EXP 1: 36 Custom Textures

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Week 2: Stairs

Chosen Section:

Monochrome, Porous

Sections of Stairs:

Sketch Up of Stairs and Section:

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Sketchup Week 1:

Chosen Design Sketch:

Above - Contrast, Below - Vibrate

3D Sketch Up:

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

EXP 1: The Clients, 3 Project Images

STEINWAY & SONS: Curvature, Vibrate, Monochrome

REVIVAL CYCLES: Power, Blur, Historic

HESTON BLUMENTHAL: Contrast, Encircle, Porous