Monday, 5 May 2014

EXP 2: Final Lumion Concept

Lebbeus Woods Concept - Disregard for Ground Plane: The disregard for the ground plane and defiance of gravity are architectural concepts prevalent within much of Wood's work. By interrupting or completely eliminating the ground plane his work questions the static and stable nature of architecture. The interaction of his designs and the ground create new spaces and impact the way people interact with his landscape and architecture.

SANAA Concept - Weightlessness: SANAA is known for their clean, pure geometric forms and the apparent weightlessness of their buildings is an architectural concept that stems from this. Through the arrangement of simplistic geometric shapes they create balanced and harmonious structures that appear weightless.

Finalized Electroliquid Aggregation: The interaction of weightless forms upon an undefined ground plane encourages physical exploration of both structures and landscape, generating thought and discussion between the students of architecture.

Images of Final Lumion Concept:
Image 1: Overview of both monuments and the meeting place between them
Image 2: Upstairs level of the SANAA monument
 darkened underside of the overhanging elements contrasts the weightless concept of the structures. The fall of dark shadow on the ground plane create somewhat private spaces for students to work alone and develop their individual thought.
Image 3: View of the Wood's monument from one of the smaller meeting platforms
The unusual ground plane of the raised river bed becomes the meeting place for architecture students, where this abstract setting encourages physical exploration of the three platforms. The physicality of bringing students together on the platforms facilitates discussion and inspires thought. 
Image 4: View of the Wood's monument, with the medium texture highlighting the floating element

Image 5: SANAA monument with darkened faces to emphasise shadow
Each monument interacts with multiple ground planes, prompting individuals to explore the relationship between each structure and its surrounding landscape. The use of the monument is unrestricted, allowing each user to interact with the structures in a unique way.

Link to Lumion Models in Dropbox:
Link to Model in 3D Warehouse:

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