Friday, 27 June 2014

EXP 3: 36 Textures

Final Use of Textures in Model:

My chosen textures above were used within the final design to highlight the type and direction of movement of the bridge itself and people within it. 

1. Linear Texture
The texture used on the folly indicates the direction of linear movement of the moving panels, emphasising the effect they have when opening to reveal the bridge. It heights the experience of the movement and frames the view of the bridge from the base of the valley.

2. Rotational Texture
A rotational texture was used on the ramp that runs through the centre of the bridge. It highlights the spiralling nature of movement through the space, indicating navigation paths to the user. Furthermore the strong contrast with the geometrical and triangular shape of the building emphasises the circular centre of the structure.

3. Scalar Texture
A scalar texture was used on the bridge's exterior to create a distinction between the rigid structure and the moving elements. The texture itself exaggerates the sliding motion of these elements, drawing the observers eye to the underside of the bridge to explore its structure and shape.

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